Rabu, 19 November 2014


Persian Polow Rice

500 grams long-grain rice or basmati
6 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon salt

The preparation of polow (chelow) is more elaborate than kateh and results in a delicious non-sticky rice. It is normally served with kababs or any of the main Persian dishes.

Wash rice twice and soak in salted warm water for 2-3 hours, then drain the water. Pour water in a large pan until it is half-full and bring it to a boil.

Add rice and a spoonful of salt and continue boiling until rice slightly softens. Pour rice into a drain and wash it with slightly warm water.

Pour 3 spoonfuls of cooking oil into the pan and add rice. Pour 3 more spoonfuls of oil over rice. Cover the pan and cook over low heat for about half an hour. If cooking time is increased, a delicious crispy layer of rice (called ta-dig) will form at the bottom of the pan.

done by: rabiatulht

credit: http://www.iranchamber.com/recipes/rice/polow.php

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